China 'guru' promoting group sex
BEIJING: Police are looking for China's leading Tantra guru, Qin Mingyuan, after they closed down three of his meditation centers for allegedly encouraging group sex and wife swapping. A woman, who organized classes at one of the centers, was detained in Guangdong, southern China.
Qin's resume says that he learnt teaching about "warm, free love" at Pune's Osho training center. His Chinese mentor, Li Yi, was accused of raping and having affairs with female disciples.
An official said Tantra
classes promote values that "go against public morals''. "If they
continue to develop, they will eventually become cults," Global Times
Chinese government has been wary of cult movement since it crushed the Falun Gong cult violently in 2009.
Gurus like Qin have emerged amid rising demand for spiritual solace
among well-off Chinese. The Global Times described the trend as
"homegrown version of New Age mysticism"
basic philosophy of Tantra is this. A human being is both feminine and
masculine. This is logical because his birth was caused by both
masculine and feminine energy i.e. his parents. In Hindu mythology Shiva
is called "ardha nareeshwar" i.e. half women meaning the same thing.
Tantra says that the union of the inner man with the inner women is the
goal of human life. When this happens a great orgasm of cosmic
proportion happens in that person's being. A man becomes divine or
enlightened and it is a great blessing for him. A human being is
searching for his inner half inside but he does not know this and
instead searches for partner outside which leads to suffering and
frustration. Even Osho has said the same thing in his discourses. Man's
attitude towards sex is suppression and condemnation which leads to
nuerosis and a diseased personality. Tantra has techniques pertaining to
sex but the condition is that the practitioner should have practiced
celibacy for 12 years. This would lead to two things 1) He will be
liberated from sex desire because of being celibate for such a long time
and can easily achieve union of inner man and inner women 2) If he is
still not liberated from sex then the only way is to use the techiques
pertaining to sex and then get liberated from it and then proceed to
inner union. So Tantra is not sex indulgence but a way to transcend sex
into higher dimensions of being. The human society has not reached a
level of maturity where is can accept Tantra with respect. Even in India
where Tantra originated, the practitioners were killed and their
scriptures burnt. However, if practiced in the proper way and with an
intention to move into higher consciousness it is a valid path.
According to many enligtened masters the whole universe is made of sex
energy and this energy should not be wasted outside but utilized inside
to move into higher dimensions of consciousness. Society's attitide
towards sex is that of an evil or monster which needs to be supressed
and condemned but it secretly enjoys it. The modern human society is
basically a hypocrite society and that's why it is in such a mess.
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